Weight Gaining...Gain It Right!

September 4, 2014

Weight gain is now as popular as weight loss as a target for fitness club members. If your body type is more on the skinny side, and you are aiming to gain a few –or more- extra pounds, make sure you gain your weight right! Gold’s Gym will help you with some extra helpful tips! Get ready to add in some curves into that lovely top! 

Eventhough so many people complain about their ‘generous’ weight, the fact is, so many people also complain about not being able to gain weight, no matter what they eat or drink that they tend to look unflatteringly skinny. Just like overweight condition, being underweight is also considered a threat to one’s health.



Gaining weight just because you are inspired by Beyonce’s bootylicious curve or because Bradley Cooper looks awesome wearing a fitted top on Hangover III? While it is not necessarily wrong to be motivated by these stars, but you have to be realistic and know when and why you should gain extra pounds:

- You get sick easily due to undernourishment.

- Your figure looks too ‘bony’ and you want to look and feel healthier.

- You are an athlete/sportsman who needs to improve your strength and muscle mass for a better performance.

- Unintended weight loss due to old age.


There are a few essential points about weight gaining:

- Know your body type. Many people are just what models and TV stars call ‘naturally skinny’. This means they are slim by genetic/hereditary. Check your family members, if they are all slim, then your chance to look plump might be a bit difficult –doesn’t mean it is impossible though!-

- Healthy weight gain does not equal more body fat. Gaining healthy weight require nutritionist and doctor’s assistance for a proper meal plan. –Steer clear of any supplements that promise instant weight gain. You do not know what is in that little magic pill, so do not risk your health!

- Too much exercising or ‘hyperactive lifestyle’ without adequate supply of nutrition can cause underweight problem.



Before you get your hands on those cupcakes, sirloin steaks, and pepperoni pizzas with extra cheese, nourish yourself with knowledge on how to gain weight right. Here they are:

- Start consuming healthy food that is not only packed with calories but also nutritious.

- Eat 3 times a day, with 3 snacks in between each mealtime. For snacks, choose unsalted toasted nuts, fruits, or plain yoghurt. 

- Drink only before and after each meal, not during the meal. That way, your stomach will have more room for food. Also, try to substitute water with smoothies or fruit juices, limit the sugar.

- Add extra calories to your food by adding milk, cheese, yoghurt, peanut butter, jams, and other sprinkles.

- Exercise frequently, with the right frequency, do not overdo it. Exercising right can help build muscle mass and improve healthy appetite.


All the tips we have given are just the main points to gaining weight in a healthy yet safe way, but always consult a reliable nutritionists or doctor to determine how many pounds you should gain and arrange a diet plan for you, incorporate the diet plan with an exercise program to shape up your figure. Gold’s Gym have professional nutritionists and Personal Trainers to help you gain more weight and achieve your ideal body shape.

Images sources: www.stylequirk.com via Google.