Learn The Telltale Signs When It’s Time To Visit A Doctor!

July 21, 2014

Smaller number on the scale might not always be something to celebrate, especially when you haven’t been in a strict diet. Drastic weight loss or even a sudden change in habit might be a sign you’re having health issues and in need of medical attention! Learn what to look out for here!


Drastic Weight Loss

For you who’s dying to get into that old dress 2 sizes to small, a losing weight without the need to make any effort might sound like a dream come true. But hold your horses! Drastic weight loss might be a sign of something’s wrong with your body. If you lost 10% of your weight in a period of 6 months without deliberately trying to lose them, you should consult with your doctor. There’s a lot of possibility that might cause this, from hyperthyroidims, where your thyroid is producing excess thyroid hormones in your blood that can cause health issues, diabetes, depression, liver damage, cancer, or even problems with your digestive system that cause malabsorption.


High Fever

High fever is usually a sign that your body is exerting all its energy to fight off infections. But if the fever persists more that three days, you need to go to a doctor. A persistent fever can be an indication that there’s a dire infection that we’re not aware off, from problems with your bladder to TB. In some cases, some types of malignant cancer like lymphoma that affects your white blood cells can cause prolonged high fever. Immediately go to the doctor if the persistent fever exceeds 39.4O in temperature.


Shortness of Breath or Breathless

Shortness of breath that happens not when you’re having a cold or after an intense workout might indicate something more serious and should be a cause for concern. If taking a breath feels difficult that you even have to breathe through your mouth, you should immediately seek medical attention. If it happens when you’re lying down is also something to be concerned about, as suggested by dr. Saptati from Karya Medika Clinic in Bekasi


Shortness of breath might be a symptom of chronic lung disease, chronic bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia, or blockage in the lung that have a correlation with lung or heart diseases. Difficulty in breathing can also occur together with increase in blood pressure and sweating.


Problem with bowel movements

Everyone has a different bowel movement patterns. Should there be problem pertaining your bowel movement, like sign of bleeding (your stool has a reddish or blackish coloring), diarrhea, or prolonged constipation, these should be a cause for concern.


These issues with your bowel movement might be an indication of bacterial infections like salmonella or campylobacter, or even virus and parasitic infection. Other causes that are more serious are colon diseases or even colon cancer.


Change in behavior

If you’re feeling disoriented or confused about the time and your whereabouts, having a problem with memory or concentration, and if there’s also a sudden change in your behavior and habit, like increase in aggression, you should consult with a doctor.

This might be caused by a lot of things, from infections, anemia, low blood sugar level, dehydration or mental disturbances. Consumption of a certain medication can also cause these changes.


Early satiety

If you suddenly feel fuller faster than usual, even though you have only consumed little amount of food, you should consult with a doctor right away especially if you’re also feeling nauseous, throwing up, having a fever and inflammation, and losing or gaining weight. This is usually a sign of gastroesophaegal reflux, which is a disturbance in your digestive system. In a more serious case, early satiety might also be an indication of spleen cancer.


Blurred visions

If you have blurred visions you might be having a migraine. In other cases, sudden disturbances in eyesight might also indicate problems in the retina. Immediately consult with a doctor or ophthalmologist as a precaution.


Originally published on Fimela.com. Translated and edited by Gold's Gym Indonesia.