Drink Water, Live Better

May 28, 2021

The benefits of drinking water are not insignificant as many people think. Water is important for the body. Some of the benefits are to prevent dehydration, keep your skin fresh and healthy, to protect nerves and body tissues, and support the work of muscles and joints.

 However, there are several other types of drinks to quench your thirst that are high in sugar and calories so they can increase your weight and those drinks are not good for your health, such as carbonated drinks or what we usually call soft drinks.

 Water is free of calories and sugar, it is the best choice to maintain a healthy body and keep you hydrated. The benefits of drinking enough water can be felt by various functions of our body, including:

  1. Maintain body fluid levels and prevent dehydration, so that the body does not experience problems in digestive function (constipation), better food absorption, blood circulation, healthier kidneys, and important in maintaining a normal body temperature.

  2. Play an important role in movement because it plays a role in lubricating the joints to keep them flexible. Fluid imbalance can lead to muscle fatigue.

  3. Help you control your body's calorie intake. Drinking water is much better than drinking sugary drinks to prevent weight gain. at preventing weight gain.

  4. Keep your skin healthy by moisturizing and increasing skin firmness.

  5. Play a role in protecting the nervous system in the body.

  6. Helping the process of removing food and drink scraps through urine and feces. Drinking lots of water is also good for people with hematuria (blood in urine) due to minor urinary tract infections or small urinary tract stones.

How much water should you drink a day?

Each person's fluid needs are different. For adults, the recommended consumption of water is about eight 230 ml glasses per day or a total of 2 liters. The need increases when they are in hot conditions or physical activity that results in a sufficient amount of sweat.

The initial signs that are generally felt when a person is dehydrated is feeling thirsty and the urine is yellow and darker than usual.

Other symptoms that may also be felt when the body is not properly hydrated areinclude feeling dizzy, headache, dry mouth, lips, and eyes, urinating with infrequent amounts and intensity, lack of energy, lack of concentration and fatigue. Extreme dehydration can result in shock and loss of consciousness.

In addition to physical activity and low temperatures, other conditions that make your body needs more water intake than usual are, include:

1. Exercising or being physically active.

2. Experiencing fever, diarrhea, or vomiting.

3. Pregnant and breastfeeding. Pregnant women are advised to consume about 2.4 liters of water a day, while women who are breastfeeding are advised to consume about 3.1 liters of water per day.

Tips for Fulfilling Water Needs Every Day

Try to get in the habit of drinking water before or when consuming snacks. Provide a glass or bottle of drinking water on the table or bag that you carry with you during your daily activities. Thus, you will remember to consume it.

There are several provisions for drinking water that is safe for consumption according to the Indonesian Ministry of Health, such as namely water that has no taste, smell or color, does not contain bacteria, and does not contain chemicals that exceed the permitted limits.

Do not forget to also ensure that drinking water is suitable for consumption and meets health standards, in order to avoid diseases caused by drinking contaminated water. Get the benefits of drinking water for health by consuming water regularly every day, and complete it with a healthy lifestyle.