Best Yoga Poses for Neck Pain Relief

August 13, 2018


Neck pain is extremely common and may be caused by several factors. These include daily activities that involve repetitive forward movement patterns, poor posture, or the habit of holding your head in one position. It doesn’t take a lot to develop pain in this area of your body, and it’s easy for that pain to extend to your shoulders and back. Neck pain can lead to headaches and even injury.

Practicing yoga is an excellent way to get rid of neck pain. At least one study found yoga to provide pain relief and functional improvements for people who did yoga for nine weeks. Through the practice, you can learn to release any tension you’re holding in your body.  With yoga you can move your neck in its six primary directions to lengthen and stretch the muscles. It can prevent chronic neck pain and treat sudden onset pain from sleeping poorly. Here are yoga poses for neck pain relief.

1. Warrior II

Warrior II is a standing yoga pose that enhances strength, stability, and concentration. This pose opens the chest and shoulders, improving breathing capacity and increasing circulation throughout the body. It is also known to be therapeutic for flat feet, sciatica, infertility, and osteoporosis.

More than just a physical posture, Warrior II increases your ability to concentrate. As you hone your gaze, you direct your mind clearly and with intention. Distractions disappear and your energy becomes powerful and focused.

2. Extanded Triangle Pose

Extended triangle pose is a standing yoga posture that improves balance and flexibility. In this posture, straight legs are spread apart with one foot at a 90-degree angle. With both arms extended, the body bends toward the lead foot so that one arm reaches toward the ground and the other toward the sky. Beginners may use a yoga block for balance if they lack the flexibility to touch the ground.

This is an important pose in yoga for opening the hips and stretching the hamstrings, calves, shoulders, chest and spine. It also strengthens the thighs, knees and ankles.

 3. Sphinx

Sphinx pose is a beginner pose for back bending poses and a great substitute for Bhujangasana pose, which places weight on the wrists and has a stronger curve in the lower back. Sphinx pose is also used a lot in Yin yoga where poses are held for a few minutes at a time. It creates and maintains a healthy lower back curve - which can be adversely affected by aging and long periods of sitting. Practising Sphinx pose can also help ease neck pain, lower back pain and stiffness. 

4. Legs up the wall pose

This restorative pose has amazing healing potential and can help to relieve tension in your back, shoulders, and neck.

  1. From a seated position, scoot forward on your hips toward a wall. When you are close to the wall, lie back and swing your legs up and against the wall.
  2. You can place a folded blanket or pillow under your hips for support.
  3. Bring your arms into any comfortable position.
  4. You may wish to gently massage your face, neck, and shoulders.
  5. Stay in this pose for up to 20 minutes.

5. Corpse Pose

Allow yourself time at the end of your practice to relax in corpse pose. Focus on letting go of any remaining stress and tension in your body.

  1. Lie down on your back with your feet a little wider than your hips and your toes splayed out to the side.
  2. Rest your arms alongside your body with your palms facing up.
  3. Adjust your body so that your head, neck, and spine are aligned.
  4. Focus on breathing deeply and releasing any tightness in your body.
  5. Remain in this pose for at least 5 minutes.

If you’ve taken steps to relieve neck pain and it’s not getting better, or if your pain becomes worse or severe, see your doctor. Neck pain that’s accompanied by numbness, loss of strength in the arms or hands, or a throbbing pain in the shoulder or under the arm are also signs you should see your doctor.