5 Ways to Get Rid of Laziness during the Rainy Season

December 2, 2014

The sun has been shining brightly lately, but rainy season is still not over. Now, that spirit of summer can easily fade away when you see the dark clouds while you are walking out the house to go to the gym. Laziness. That is what we call it. Worry not, we have summed up 5 ways to kick the laziness out of you so you will have the lively summery spirit, regardless the weather.


Many experts claimed that this kind of condition is due to the big gap between your intention and your behavior (intention behavior gap = IB gap). According to dr. Barbara Mullan from University of Sydney, around 30-50% of someone’s intention or plans to do something ended up not being executed at all.


Sometimes this condition is unavoidable, like the rain that falls when you are ready to jog around your neighborhood. But beyond that, this situation often happens because you do not really want to do what you have planned to do. So it is all back to your intention. So…what to do to overcome the laziness of this indecisive weather? Here we go


Avoid Multi-Tasking Business

A research done by Emory University proves that when someone intends to do many things at once, it will only make him/her lazy to do anything at all. Try to focus on one plan. Do not let your plan to join a Zumba class tonight fail because you have too many other plans.  


Go Green!

According to dr. Daniel Amen—the author of “Change Your Body, Change Your Brain”—human body is easier to control by controlling a certain part of the human brain. Related to the laziness, there is one particular part in the brain that is called pre-frontal cortex (PFC), which happens to be the main actor. When this area is not being very active, human tend to feel bored, easily distracted, and this will eventually lead to laziness. To activate this part of the brain, the dopamine level needs to be increased. One of the most effective ways is by consuming green tea. Relax your body in the midst of your hectic activity by drinking a cup of warm green tea.


Clench Your Fist

You might be wondering what clenching a fist has to do with what we are talking right now, but a research by National University of Singapore proves that clenching a fist –on the table for example-can trigger the brain to avoid things we should not do and remind us of what we should do instead. So if you plan to buy something in a mini mart, but you are tempted by the comfort of lying in your bed, hurry and clench a mighty fist! Which hand? Research suggests that clenching a fist with your left hand helps you remember things….yes, like going to the mini mart. 


Rely on Mr. Post-It

Who knew the power of a tiny little post-it can effectively shoo the laziness in this rainy-sunny season! A research by Journal of Experimental Psychology explains that one of the causes of IB gap is because human beings can easily be distracted and forget what they were going to do—including the main purpose of doing those things. By putting a few post-it notes here and there, you can easily stick to your plans. Human beings need to be reminded all the times, after all. 


Plan B

When the rain falls, sometimes it can also wash away your intention to go to the gym. If you knew this was going to happen, avoid it by making a plan B. Try to write something like this on a pice of paper, “I am going to jog around the neighborhood at 4 pm. But if it rains, then I will run on the treadmill for 45 minutes instead.” Always make a plan B, so you will not have any trouble sticking to your workout routine, rain or shine. 

Source: www.fimela.com, edited by Gold's Gym Indonesia