Tips To Be Strong While Fasting

April 30, 2021

By Lutfi Utami, S.Gz

Fasting that we do today is closely related to increasing the body's immune system. In Indonesia alone, on average we fast for around 12-14 hours, so when we don't consume anything for such a duration, what happens to our bodies is

  1. Gives the digestive system the opportunity to rest and the organs have the ability to regenerate their cells to restore themselves and also experience the ability to improve the function of digestive cells (stomach, intestines, pancreas, gallbladder, liver), increase the elimination of toxic substances & metabolic waste ( because everything we eat is, not everything is needed by the body so that later there will be metabolic waste substances that must be excreted and these if they are in our bodies will certainly become free radicals, weakening immunity). By resting the body has a chance to expel it.

  2. Our Energy System changes, Energy will be processed from our fat pile so far, this fat pile will become energy, and stimulate fat burning. It has a positive correlation with increasing the production of energy required by the immune system to work.

  3. Improve balance and mood stability. When fasting, there is a sense of trust, sincerity and resignation. This can have an impact on reducing stress hormones, namely the hormone cortisol which also impacts the immunity.

  4. Increased growth hormone, can reduce inflammation or inflammation in our body.

When we fast, we must optimize how we eat when breaking, eating sahur & dinner so that we are strong during fasting. Fill your diet with nutrients consisting of macronutrients, namely carbohydrates, protein, fat & water and micronutrients, namely vitamins & minerals. Because these nutrients can build systems in our bodies if they interact positively.

Then what should we do to stay strong during fasting?

  1. Fulfill your protein needs during fasting 5-6 servings per day. As for what is recommended is protein with low or moderate fat, for example protein: fish, nuts, tempeh, tofu, milk, low-fat yogurt, skinless chicken & egg whites.

  2. 3-4 servings of vegetables & 2-3 servings of fruits.

  3. Sufficient daily fluid needs of at least 2 liters or the equivalent of 8 glasses of water.

  4. You need to eat sahur because:

    1. Fulfill some of the daily nutritional needs (Carbohydrates, Protein, Fat, Water, Vitamins & Minerals).

    2. Ensuring the sustainability of energy until it’s time to break fasting.

    3. Maintain the body's hydration status until the time of breaking the fast, do not consume diuretic drinks. For example: strong tea & coffee.

Finally, what is the right composition when we eat sahur or break our fasting? see the explanation below:

  1. Pre-dawn meal

    1. Protein: Choose low or medium fat, low-fat processing.

    2. Staple Foods: Choose complexes, no excess sugar.

    3. Fruits: Choose those with a high water content.

    4. Vegetable: with the processing of broth without fat.

    5. Drink 2-3 glasses of water.

  2. Breaking the fast

i. Restore blood glucose levels: Foods that contain lots of carbohydrate sources & Magnesium: various fruits.

ii. Rehydration: Water & electrolytes: infused water, fruit water, coconut water.

  1. Ramadan dinner

i. Ramadhan dinner is the second main meal

ii. Performed after the break time &  finished before 19:30

iii. ¼ portion of the plate is complex carbohydrates.

iv. ¼ portion of the plate is low fat or medium protein with more moderate processing.

v. ½ part of the plate are vegetables containing nutrients for a booster of immunity.

        d. The Snack Time

i. Snack before bed, before dawn or before ruling.

ii. Type: low fat protein with vegetables and or fruit

iii. Additional to the body's immunity booster: consumption of spiced drinks

iv. Synbiotics: probiotics & prebiotics.

        e. Exercise

i. Recommendations: Do it one hour  before break fasting.

         f. Sleep

i. Get enough sleep.