Tackling Dehydration: What to do when you’re dehydrated

July 7, 2014

With the lack of water intake due to fasting, the risk of getting dehydrated increased during Ramadhan. Water is a very crucial necessity for our body, so it only makes sense that the lack of it will have dire consequences. Let’s learn more about dehydration and how to treat it so you’ll always be prepared!


What is dehydration?

Dehydration occurs when the fluid lost from our body is higher than the intake of water. We lose water every day through water vapor in the breath we exhale, through our excreted sweat, urine, and stool. We not only lose water, we also lose salt, which is also important for our daily bodily functions. If we’re dehydrated, our body will become unbalanced and its function will be affected. The worse case scenario: it can even cause death!


Know the symptoms!

So, how do you know that you’re actually dehydrated? Here are some of the symptoms that you have to look out for.

-Increased thirst

-Dry mouth and swollen tongue



-Heart pounding (palpitations)


-Sluggishness fainting


-Inability to sweat

-Decrease urine output


The color of your urine is also a great indicator. If your urine is very concentrated and is of a deeply yellow or amber color, you may be dehydrated. If you’re appropriately hydrated, you should have clear urine.


How to treat it?

Now, what to do when you’re dehydrated? Follow these instructions to treat it!

-Stop whatever you’re doing and immediately take a rest

-Avoid direct sunlight and find a cool spot, either in the shade or in an air-conditioned room.

-Prop up your feet with a pillow while lying down so that your leg is on a higher level than your head.

-Take off any extra clothes

-Drink a lot to rehydrate your body and replace all the loss fluid and minerals. You can drink water, juice, sports drink or rehydration drink. Drink 2 liters of cool liquid over the next 2 to 4 hours. You can even make a homemade rehydration drink (NOT for children under 12). Mix 950 mL of water with ½ teaspoon (2.5 g) of salt and 6 teaspoon (30 g) of sugar. But make sure you have measured all the ingredients precisely, because even small variations can make it less effective or even harmful.


You should feel better within a few hours if you do as instructed. But should you not get better even after several hours, it is advisable for you to seek proper medical help.