How to Stay Healthy During The Holiday Season

December 25, 2019

Year-end means holiday season, because there are Christmas days and New Year. Usually this long vacation will be filled with lots of relaxing, not-so-productive activities, even affecting one's lifestyle and food.

Holidays can indeed make a person more relaxed and reduce stress levels. However, sometimes due to the absence of regular activities carried out while on vacation, it actually makes a person more lazy to do activities and excessive. Starting from messy sleep patterns, eating foods that tend to be unhealthy, to not exercise. Things like this will certainly make your body vulnerable to illness. Do not until after the holiday is over, you should instead see a doctor.

Launching CNN Indonesia, here are tips from Ari Fahrial Syam, a doctor of internal medicine in FKUI-RSCM, to stay healthy during the holiday season.

Take care of your diet

Pain that often occurs after a long vacation is indigestion. Not only stomach ulcers and stomach acid that can recur, but also diarrhea. When relaxing holidays, a person is often not so concerned with diet and nutritional intake.

In holidays, especially on Christmas and New Year, you will visit the homes of relatives and friends and will eat a lot of food. Usually at events like this there will be lots of fatty foods, snacks, high in calories, high in salt, and high in sugar. When you don't pay attention to what you eat and eat excessively, such foods and snacks will adversely affect your body and health. Therefore, you should limit food like that, not to consume excessively. Increase fruit consumption and healthier snacks so that your consumption of snacks can be controlled.

Drink, drink, drink

When the holidays are filled with lots of food and flavored drinks, don't ever miss drinking water. Your body needs about 8-10 glasses of water per day, so if you are short of drinking water, your body will become dehydrated. Not only good for the body, drinking lots of water can also make you avoid excessive high-calorie drinks.

Keep exercising

Vacation is the right time to relax and laze around. However, do not let it go too far and make you forget to exercise. When you relax too much and don't exercise, your body will become more weak and vulnerable to disease. Especially if you consume a lot of sweet, fatty and high-calorie foods during the holidays.

When you do not exercise and spend more time lying and sitting, the fat in your body will increase. This will not only increase weight, it will also trigger other diseases such as diabetes and high cholesterol. You are advised to exercise in any form, from jogging in the neighborhood, or walking for at least 30 minutes. The important thing is you keep doing physical activity to stay fit and healthy.

Not only maintaining those three things above, you should also pay attention to the weather around where you are on vacation. The end of the year is usually often accompanied by the rainy season. Especially if you are vacationing in an area with cold weather. Prepare the right clothes so that the body remains warm. In addition, prepare vitamins and personal medicines needed during the holidays, so there is still anticipation when your stamina is down.