10 Moves That Hit the Hard Spots

December 30, 2014

Everyone has their own trouble spots—we're here to help you tone up those tough places. 

Underarm flab, muffin top, stomach pooch, having a little something extra in certain spots has become so common we've created nicknames for our "wobbly bits." While exercise alone can't s top jiggle, a combination of cardio and these problem-site-specific moves can get you started. Plus, we've got a few suggestions of smart ways to shop for your everyday diet—another integral move if you want to shed unwanted weight.

3 sets of 10 on each side
Hold a dumbbell in your right hand. Stand in a split-stance position with your left leg forward and knees slightly bent. Bend your left elbow so that your forearm forms a 90-degree angle to the ground. Keep your left upper arm aligned with and close to your torso. Inhale and slowly bend your elbow, returning your arm to the start position. Do 10 reps, then repeat on the right side, and switch your leg stance so that the right leg is forward.
TARGET:  Triceps and Deltoids.
3 sets of 5 reps on each side
Place your feet and hands on the floor, with toes and fingertips facing in the same direction and the torso facing up. In the start position, your arms should be straight and your legs bent 90 degrees. Slowly bring your right knee toward your chest, at the same time bending both elbows. As you straighten out both elbows, lower your right leg until the tips of your toes just touch the floor. Repeat with the left leg.
TARGET: Triceps, Gluteus Maximus, and Hamstrings.
3 sets of 5 on each side
Lie on your back, bend your right knee while keeping your left leg straight on the ground and hold a kettlebell or dumbbell with your right hand. Bend your right elbow so the weight is above one shoulder. Then you simply stand up, bringing your left foot to meet your right and keeping the weight above you.
TARGET: Shoulders, Abdominals and Gluteus Maximus.

Begin by trying to do 1 set of 10
Standing on a stability bench, reach up onto a high bar (or place your arms inside hanging arm swings). Step off the bench so you’re at a dead hang, i.e. your body is hanging down in a straight line. Then slowly lift up your legs, bending the knees as you raise them then tucking the hips under until your knees are almost touching your chest. Then slowly lower your legs back down. Make sure your movements are smooth and steady and that you aren’t swinging your knees up and down.
TARGET: Abdominals 
3 sets of 10 reps on each side
Sit on the ground with your knees bent and a medicine ball in your hands. Lean back slightly, making sure to keep your back is straight. Lift up your right knee while stretching your arms and turning to the right side while bringing the medicine ball in a downward direction. Let your gaze follow the medicine ball. Lower the right leg. Go back to center. That is one rep. Repeat on the left side.
TARGET: Core and Oblique Abdominals

Begin by trying to do 1 set of 10 on each side
Standing on a stability bench, reach up onto a high bar (or place your arms inside hanging arm swings). Step off the bench so you’re at a dead hang, i.e. your body is hanging down in a straight line. Then slowly lift up your legs to the right side, bending the knees as you raise them then tucking the hips under until your knees are above your waist. Then slowly lower your legs back down. Make sure your movements are smooth and steady and that you aren’t swinging your knees up and down.
TARGET: Oblique Abdominals.
Do 3 sets of 15 reps
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart with a dumbbell on the floor in between your legs. Choose a dumbbell weight that is challenging but doable. Squat down and lift the dumbbell off the floor with both hands. Move from the squat position to a standing position, then return to a squat and touch the dumbbell to the floor. After 15 reps, hold the squat position for 30 seconds, keeping the dumbbell 2 inches from the floor.
TARGET: Adductors, Gluteus Maximus, Hamstrings, and Quadriceps

Do 3 sets of 15 reps
Start in a squat position with feet shoulder-width apart. Jump into the air and come down with knees bent like you were going to sit in a chair. Jump again without any rest time.
TARGET: Gluteus Maximus, Hamstrings, and Quadriceps.
3 sets of 10 to 12 reps
Sit on a leg press machine with feet hip-width apart. Set the weight on a challenging yet doable resistance. Bend your knees 90-degrees, keeping your feet flat on the footplate. Extend your legs until they are straight but not locked. Slowly return to the starting position.
TARGET: Gluteus Maximus, Hamstrings and Quadriceps
3 sets of 15 reps on each side
Start on all fours with your back straight. Lift your right knee out to the side, keeping your knee bent. Lift until the knee is parallel to the hip, and then slowly lower it back down. Repeat on the left side. To increase difficulty, wear ankle weights.
TARGET: Adductors, Abductors, and Gluteus Maximus
All this training is useless if you're not watching your waistline with a proper diet—the rule of thumb is that weight loss is 80% diet and 20% exercise. Here's a quick, handy guide to keep close next time you hit the grocery aisles:
#1 Avoid trans fats, which are common in fried foods and many commercial baked goods such as doughnuts, crackers and cookies.
#2 Check each item's nutritional information. If you can't pronounce the ingredients, don't buy it.
#3 Try to have more fresh produce in your cart than any other type of food.
#4 Look for organic meat and poultry.
#5 Skip high-sugar sweets. Substitute with fresh fruit and yogurt.
#6 Steer clear of processed grains like white rice and white bread. Search instead for whole grains, which are better sources of fiber and potassium.